Code time facts and increase of productivity

According to the Global Code Time Report that is based on data from 250K+ developers, developers code 52 minutes per day, about 4 hours and 21 minutes during a normal workweek from Monday to Friday. Code time is defined as time spent actively writing or editing code in an editor or IDE, which we use as an indicator of the amount of focused, uninterrupted time that developers have available to code during the workday. Based on the estimates, developers spend an additional 41 minutes per day on other types of work in their editors, such as reading code, reviewing pull requests, and browsing documentation.

Few developers code more than 2 hours per day

Data reveals that only about 10% of developers spend more than 2 hours per day coding, including weekends. About 40% of developers spend more than 1 hour per day coding.

Emerging economies code more than median

Among the world’s largest advanced economies, known collectively as the G7, developers in Italy, France, and Japan spend the most time per day actively coding. In an analysis of ten countries categorized as emerging markets by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was found that developers in Thailand, Turkey, and Brazil spend the most time coding.

The analysis limited to countries with at least 100 active users and classified countries according to data from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook.

Interestingly, developers in the top emerging markets code more than the global median, which may indicate that software engineering is rapidly increasing in popularity in those countries.

Where is the rest of their time going?

A developer’s day is spread across many other activities, such as planning, documentation, meetings, and collaboration.

How improve performance

Here’s what leaders can do to shift the paradigm:

1. Improve daily work

Find and fix bottlenecks that disrupt an organization’s development flow and impede developers. Improve the organization’s DevOps practices to reduce wait time, minimize frustration, and improve daily work.

2. Make DevOps visible

Measure system level DevOps metrics, such as delivery velocity and late stage rework to identify engineering friction. Understand how work flows through the value stream and uncover what’s blocking developers, like meetings and inefficient review processes.

3. Continuously improve with data

Improvement of daily work is more important than daily work itself. Engineering teams should reserve development time and cycles for improvement work with the goal of increasing team productivity. Such work includes paying down technical debt, migrations, refactoring, and retooling.

Most companies ineffectively deploy their development and DevOps teams, bogging down engineers with distractions, disruptions and meetings as well as system inefficiencies, such as slow reviews, slow builds and bad tools. If your organization wants to improve the performance of deployment click on the button below and start working with our Devops teams.



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